Thursday, 06 November 2014 08:07

Top Four Tips for Nail Fungus Prevention

Toenail fungus also known as onychomycosis, is a common occurrence among adults. Many people get a nail fungus infection when using public gyms, shower stalls, swimming pools, or even unsanitary nail salons. Nail fungus is an infection that begins as a white or yellow spot under your nail. As the infection continues to grow it can lead to nail discoloration and your nail can begin to crumble. Prevent nail fungus by taking the following precautions:

Visiting a Nail Salon
This is one of the easiest ways to contract a nail fungus infection. There are so many people going in and out of theses shops that it is hard to tell whether the staff is taking proper precautions and sterilizing their tools properly. Prevent toenail fungus infection by taking your own pedicure kit with you when getting a pedicure at a salon protect your feet.

Keep Toenails Dry
Toenail fungus thrives in warm and moist environments making it a bit more difficult to get rid of. Be sure to change your socks frequently, especially after any sports or physical activities. Sprinkle antibacterial foot powder on your toes and shoes to soak up some of the moisture.

Prevent Fungus from Spreading
If you see white or yellowish spots beginning to form, soak your nails to prevent infection. Soak your feet in a mixture of 1 ounce of vinegar and 5 ounces of water, this solution can kill the bacteria that’s forming.

Cutting Nail Incorrectly
It’s important to know what the appropriate length is for toenails and how to cut them properly. Your toenail should line the tip of your toe and should be cut straight across and not round. Cutting them any lower than your normal length can leave your nail beds unprotected leading to a toenail fungus or an ingrown toenail.

Removing toenail fungus is difficult, which is why you should always take the proper precautions to prevent it. If your toenail is completely discolored and unattractive, contact your foot doctor in Long Beach to schedule an appointment to learn about your treatment options.

Read 797 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 07:44

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