Wednesday, 07 December 2016 12:00

What Causes Athlete’s Foot?

You may be familiar with the symptoms of athlete’s foot, especially if you’ve had it before: extremely itchy, burning skin (usually starting between your toes) that becomes red and flaky. If not treated, painful blisters may develop and athlete’s foot can spread to the rest of your foot, your toenails and even other parts of your body. At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center we believe that prevention is the best treatment. Some common ways that athlete’s foot is spread include:

  • Sharing socks, shoes, towels or anything that touches another person’s feet
  • Walking barefoot in public places like gym locker rooms, public showers
  • Poor hygiene: feet should be washed with soap and water every day and dried completely
  • Choosing footwear not made of breathable materials that do not allow air to circulate
  • Allowing feet to stay in damp socks and shoes—the perfect setting for fungi and bacteria to thrive

If you have symptoms of athlete’s foot, you should contact our Long Beach office for an appointment by calling: 562-420-9800. Our podiatrists, Dr. Victoria Foley and Dr. Constance Omelas will examine your feet to determine the best treatment. There are several different types of fungi that can cause athlete’s foot and it’s important to identify the fungus behind the infection in order to choose the correct type of medicine for treatment. Topical medications in the form of creams and sprays are often used to eliminate athlete’s foot. Oral medications may also be prescribed in more severe cases. The doctor may also suggest that you use an over the counter antifungal powder on your feet as a preventive measure going forward. For some patients, athlete’s foot may be a recurring problem.

Read 686 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 23:02
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