Wednesday, 23 January 2019 19:22

How to Have Healthy Feet

January is a good time for starting new habits, and we at Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center would like to urge patients to make this the year that you commit to better care of your feet. We believe in educating our patients to be proactive about the health of their feet. There are many ways that you can reduce your risk of injury and foot disorders and improve your podiatric health. Below are some suggestions:

  • Wash your feet every day with mild soap and warm water. Dry them thoroughly, with particular attention to the area between the toes. This will significantly reduce the risk of athlete’s foot.
  • Don’t walk barefoot. Out in public, walking without shoes increase your risk of coming in contact with a fungal infection. Even at home, you can protect your feet from stepping on sharp objects by keeping them covered.
  • Get in the habit of inspecting your feet on a regular basis. The best outcomes for foot disorders occur when they are treated in their earliest stages. Being vigilant about reporting changes in skin or nail color, swelling, bumps or growths, bruising and cuts that don’t seem to be healing to our podiatrists, Victoria Foley or Dr. Constance Ornelas, can save you from prolonged and invasive treatments.
  • Making wise shoe choices. Did you know that the single most significant step you can take to improve the health of your feet is choosing good shoes? Styles with roomy toe boxes that don’t constrict your toes, adequate arch support and laces for a firm fit can reduce the risk of falls, joint conditions, and toe deformities. In addition, getting away from wearing high heels can prevent neuromas and lessen the chances of bunions and several other podiatric problems.
  • Apply sunscreen, not just on beach days but any days when the bare skin of your feet will be exposed in open sandals or shoes to the sun. The skin on your feet is just as susceptible to skin cancer as the skin on the rest of your body.
  • Take care of toenails. Keep your nails trimmed straight across and not too short to prevent ingrown toenails from developing.

Better foot care needn’t be complicated or time-consuming. A few simple changes in your daily regimen can make a world of difference. If you have questions regarding the care of your feet, contact our Long Beach office today by calling: (562) 420-9800.

Read 775 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 21:39

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