Wednesday, 29 May 2019 12:10

5 Best Practices for Older Patients

At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, we take care of the feet of patients of all ages. This month—Older Americans Month—we want to offer some information for taking good care of senior feet. While it’s true that some conditions are more likely to occur with age, there are still many ways to prevent disabling problems and ensure that your golden years remain active. Below are 5 tips for better foot health for older patients:

  1. Keep feet clean and dry. Wash feet every day with warm soapy water and dry completely. If you tend to sweat excessively, use an anti-fungal powder each morning and change your socks as soon as you notice that they feel damp. This will go a long way in preventing athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.
  2. Inspect your feet weekly. Look for changes in shape, color of skin and toenails, lumps or growths, rashes, bruising and swelling. Report anything that seems abnormal to our podiatrists, Victoria M. Foley or Dr. Constance Ornelas so they can evaluate your feet and determine if a condition exists that needs treatment.
  3. Maintain good circulation. This means not smoking and avoiding standing or sitting—especially with your legs crossed– in one position for a prolonged period of time. Don’t wear tight hose and socks.
  4. Move it along. Exercise will also help with circulation. In addition, it will keep feet and ankles flexible, maintain good range of motion and control weight.
  5. Buy good shoes. Roomy toe boxes, soft and flexible materials and a proper fit will help you avoid many common foot problems. Forgo heels that are higher than two inches and rotate your shoes from day to day.

Don’t put off making an appointment if you are experiencing foot pain or discomfort. This leads to an increase risk of falls and the chance that your condition will worsen and require more invasive treatment. Contact our Long Beach office today for an appointment by calling: (562) 420-9800.

Read 767 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 21:22

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