Thursday, 27 June 2019 12:21

Do You Like How Your Feet Look?

Are you comfortable wearing strappy sandals or open-style shoes? If not, does the appearance of your feet have something to do with it? At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, we know that several podiatric disorders have unsightly outward signs that can make female patients feel self-conscious about wearing individual shoe styles. Below are some of the most common ones and what you can do about them.

Bunions—a large bump at the base of the big toe is the telltale sign of a bunion. While many patients know how to recognize a bunion, there is a lack of understanding about the condition. A bunion is a progressive condition, meaning it will only get worse over time. That’s why at the first sign of a bunion it’s important that you make an appointment at our Long Beach office (562-420-9800) so that our podiatrists, Dr. Victoria M. Foley or Dr. Constance Ornelas can evaluate it. The foot doctor may want to take an x-ray to use to monitor the progression of the bunion. There are several conservative treatment options available, although only surgery can correct a bunion. The podiatrist will recommend the best treatment based on your individual case.

Haglund’s Deformity—perhaps you know this condition by its more common name—pump bump. A bony enlargement at the back of the heel distinguishes it. When pumps or other shoes with stiff backs rub against the bony protrusion, it can become inflamed and red, causing pain and discomfort. Wearing open-backed shoes and using heel lifts can both help reduce the irritation.

Fungal Toenails—a brownish discoloration of a toenail, along with thickening and crumbling edges can signal a fungal toenail. Although these are often not painful, they are unattractive and can spread to other nails if left untreated. Topical, oral, and laser therapy are all possible treatments for eradicating fungal nails.

You don’t have to hide your feet. If you have a condition that is causing you to want to keep your feet hidden away, contact us and let us help you restore your feet’s natural beauty.

Read 777 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 21:19

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