Thursday, 24 June 2021 15:28

3 Causes of Back of Heel Pain

At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center we know that pain at the back of your heel can be quite debilitating. What starts as an annoying ache can quickly turn into excruciating pain that makes walking difficult. For our Los Angeles County patients that may be experiencing these uncomfortable symptoms, here are three possible causes.

Haglund’s Deformity—this is a bony enlargement that forms at the back of your heel. This condition may be the result of an inherited structural issue like a high arch or a tight Achilles tendon. It can also be caused by wearing shoes with stiff backs that rub on the heel—hence this deformity’s other name: pump bump.

Bursitis—small sacs that are filled with fluid—known as bursas—are found throughout the body near joints and bones. They serve as protection from friction and provide a little extra lubrication. When a bursa becomes irritated due to repetitive motion or pressure it can become painfully inflamed. Haglund’s deformity is one cause of bursitis but it may also be the result of repetitive action from exercise or another medical condition such as gout, diabetes or arthritis.

Achilles Tendonitis—this long tendon that runs down the back of your lower leg connects your calf muscle to the heel bone. It can be aggravated or injured from overuse such as someone whose job involves climbing a ladder. Athletes and “weekend warriors” who suddenly increase the intensity of their workout routine may also suffer from Achilles issues.

The only way to find out for sure what’s causing your back of heel pain is to let our podiatrists, Dr. Victoria M. Foley and Dr. Constance Ornelas, examine your foot and conduct the necessary tests to get to the bottom of the problem. You can contact our Long Beach office at (562) 420-9800 office for an appointment. To learn more about foot health and conditions we treat check out our video library.

Read 1191 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 20:02

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