Thursday, 22 June 2017 12:51

Pointers for Safe Pedicures

Who doesn’t like showing off one of the season’s newest colors on their toes? Besides, getting a professional pedicure is a relaxing treat. Bacterial and fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and fungal toenails, however, are not particularly enticing. At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center we want our patients to be able to enjoy this pampering experience safely and so we have compiled some tips below to help prevent infections.

First, however, it’s important that you inspect your toenails and make sure that you do not currently have any problems. If you have a toenail that is discolored, thick or crumbly, do not attempt to cover it up with nail polish. These may be signs of a fungal infection that requires treatment. If the appearance of one of your nails is concerning you, contact our Long Beach office by calling: (562) 420-9800 and let our podiatrists, Dr. Victoria M. Foley or Dr. Constance Ornelas examine your toenail. Fungal infections will not go away without treatment.

If your nails are all clear and you wish to have a professional pedicure, observe the suggestions here to minimize any risk of fungal or bacterial infections:

  • Bring your own nail tools and flip flops. The ideas is to not come in contact with items that have touched other people’s feet. Fungal toenail and bacterial infections are spread by direct contact.
  • Look for a license. Reputable salons are licensed by the state, which means they adhere to specific health and sanitary standards. The license should be prominently displayed in the salon.
  • Check out the cleanliness of your salon. Foot baths and tools should be cleaned and disinfected after each customer. Nail technicians should wash their hands before starting on a new client and the floors, work stations and rest room should all be clean.
  • Refrain from shaving your legs 24 hours before getting a pedicure. Shaving creates tiny cuts in the skin which can allow bacteria to enter. For this reason, if you have any open cuts or blisters on your toes, feet or legs, you should also wait until they have healed before getting a pedicure.
Read 708 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 22:45

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