Wednesday, 09 August 2017 14:18

What to Bring on Summer Vacation—for Your Feet

If you’re packing for a summer trip, your feet may not be the first thing on your mind, but at Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center we want to remind patients that if your feet are hurting on vacation, you won’t enjoy yourself. The good news is your feet won’t need their own bag, just a few small items that can have a big impact on comfort, health and safety of your feet. Here’s what to bring:

  • Moleskin—it’s a good idea not to bring brand new shoes that you haven’t worn before on a vacation. Chances are you’ll be doing more walking than usual and when you’re away from your closet is not the ideal time to discover that the shoes you brought are uncomfortable. Sometimes, however, even previously comfortable shoes can start to rub if it’s especially hot and your feet are sweaty from the increased activity. Moleskin can save the day. Put a small piece on the part of your foot that is feeling irritated and it will hopefully help you get through the day without a blister. Of course, you should still change your shoes as soon as possible.
  • Sunscreen—this is probably already in your travel bag, but make sure you remember to apply it to the tops and bottoms of your feet as frequently as you apply to the rest of your body. Don’t forget to reapply after swimming.
  • Emery board and nail clippers—a rough nail can become torn and painful. Keep an emery board with you for filing and bring along your nail clippers too. Remember to clip toenails straight across to help prevent ingrown nails from forming.
  • Extra socks—if your feet tend to sweat excessively or you know you’ll be in a warm place where you’ll be doing activities like hiking or sightseeing, change your socks as soon as you feel that your feet are damp. This will help prevent a case of athlete’s foot from becoming your vacation souvenir. Fungal and bacterial infections thrive in dark, damp places.
  • Flip flops—use these around the pool or at the beach to prevent feet from coming in contact with fungi in public places. Don’t wear these as your everyday shoes however, or you risk injury and other painful foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis and flat feet.

If you do injure your foot while you are away be sure to seek treatment promptly and follow up by contacting our Long Beach, CA office for an appointment when you return. Our podiatrists, Dr. Victoria Foley and Dr. Constance Ornelas will want to check your foot and be sure that it is healing properly.

Read 724 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 22:39

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