Wednesday, 16 January 2019 19:21

4 Signs Your Child May Have a Foot Disorder

At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, we treat patients of all ages. Some of our younger patients are not very articulate about foot and ankle pain or discomfort. Children may know that it doesn’t feel good to run but not be able to specifically say that it feels like a rock is pressing into the ball of their foot or that their toenail is sore. That’s when parents have to do a little detective work. See if you notice one or more of these signs that your child may be experiencing a podiatric problem:

  1. A loss of interest in games and physical activities they normally love. A usually active child who chooses to sit on the sidelines or complains that they feel too tired to play may be masking the fact that his or her feet hurt.
  2. Your child is always last. Being unable to keep up with their peers in simple outdoor play or more formal sports settings can indicate an improperly functioning foot.
  3. He’s “running in a funny way.” If you notice your child’s gait has changed, it may be a sign that they are altering the way they move to avoid pain or discomfort. This will often lead to balance issues and an increase in trips and falls.
  4. Limping or walking on tiptoes. Younger children may be afraid to go to the doctor or not want to take time out from playing, so they keep going, but a change is evident in how they walk and run. That’s when it’s time to examine your child’s feet and see if there are cuts, bruises, swelling, or other potential sources of foot pain. Ingrown toenails, which are particularly common in children, can quickly become swollen and painful but would not be noticeable unless you inspect your child’s feet. Checking children’s feet regularly is a good way to help detect podiatric issues in their earliest stages. If you notice anything unusual, be sure to report it to our podiatrists, Victoria Foley or Dr. Constance Ornelas, so they can diagnose your child’s condition promptly and prescribe the correct treatment. Contact our Long Beach office for an appointment by calling: (562) 420-9800.
Read 758 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 21:40

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