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Wednesday, 06 April 2016 10:13

15 Steps to Fabulous Summer Feet

Summer can be hard on your feet, making proper foot protection a priority. Here are 15 simple steps to healthy, beautiful feet all year round:

Use Sunscreen

Protect your feet the from harsh UV rays on sunny summer days. Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to protect your skin from cancer and premature aging. Also, remember to reapply your sunscreen after swimming or sweating, even if the sunscreen claims to be waterproof.

Avoid Walking Barefoot

Walking barefoot is always dangerous, but the intense summer heat increases your risk of sustaining foot injuries. It also puts you at risk of developing plantar warts, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and other infections on the soles of your feet.

Wash Feet

Wash your feet with warm water after wading in lakes, ponds, and other stagnant bodies of water. Still water breeds bacteria, leaving you vulnerable to infection.

Treat Yourself to a Pedicure

Treating yourself to regular pedicures will ensure that both your nails and feet look their best in your chic summer styles.

Stay Hydrated

Staying properly hydrated during the hot summer months will prevent swollen feet. Proper hydration also improves your circulation, which in turn helps you fight infection.


Your feet are drier in the summer since you’re no longer wearing socks. Apply plenty of moisturizer in the morning after your shower to lock-in the moisture. For the best results, reapply before bed.

Wear The Right Socks

Acrylic and synthetic blend socks like CoolMax work the best to wick perspiration, preventing fungal infection. Socks that do not wick perspiration, such as those made from 100% cotton, increase your risk of developing blisters.

Prevent Blisters

Sandals can often cause blisters when they rub against bare feet. If you feel a blister developing, use extra padding such as liquid bandages to protect the affected area. If a blister does develop, be sure to treat it with antibiotic ointment after it pops.

Keep Shoes and Socks Dry

If your shoes or socks get wet, remove them. Wearing wet footwear leaves you vulnerable to developing fungal infections and blisters. Always bring a spare pair of socks and shoes if your feet could potentially get soaked.

The Right Shoes for The  Right Occasion

Whether you’re going camping, hiking, boating, or running, it’s always best to wear footwear designed for the activity. Wearing improper footwear during strenuous activity can result in serious injury.

Air Out Feet

Avoid wearing closed-toe shoes and reach for sandals to let your feet breathe. If closed-toe shoes are required, be sure to take them off periodically in order to keep your feet from sweating.

Evaluate Your Flip-Flops

Flip-flops tend to cause sore feet, but that doesn’t mean that you have to avoid them. Be sure to choose flip-flops with extra padding, and avoid walking long distances in them.

Add Cushioning to Shoes.

Many summer shoes do not provide the proper cushioning to keep your feet protected and pain-free. Due to this, you should replace the cushioning in your shoes whenever possible. There are many over-the-counter insoles that will add extra cushioning on the cheap.

Inspect Old Shoes.

Old, worn-out shoes can cause blisters and other foot injuries. Be sure to assess the condition of your summer shoes, and throw away any questionable pairs.

Fore more foot care tips and inspiration, contact the experts at Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center for all of your podiatric needs.

Expecting mothers often experience swollen legs, feet, and ankles during and immediately after their pregnancies. This is due to the extra weight and stress on the feet, which causes pain after long periods of walking or standing.

For some mothers the extra weight on their feet may even cause their arches to fall, causing extreme pain. When the arches of your feet fall, you may begin to over-pronate, or turn in abnormally when walking. Over-pronation can stretch the plantar fascia, which is the tissue lining the bottom of the feet, causing a painful inflammation known as plantar fasciitis.

Edema, or swollen feet, is another common issue that expecting mothers face.
Both of these foot issues, especially when experienced together, make it extremely difficult to walk or stand for a long time. Therefore, it is vital for expecting mothers with pre-existing foot issues to discuss how their pregnancy will affect their feet with a podiatrist.

Below are a few tips for mothers to treat swollen and aching feet:

Always wear comfortable and supportive footwear

For added comfort and support, try using gel insoles.

Exercise regularly

The more you move, the more blood moves out of your legs into the rest of your body. If you find most exercise painful, try using a stationary bike or an elliptical trainer.

Drink plenty of water; avoid salt and caffeine

Staying properly hydrated helps your body flush its system of extra fluids. Therefore, drinking lots of water will help you relieve your swollen feet and ankles. Avoid consuming salt and caffeine because they cause your body to retain fluids.

Elevate and ice your feet

Elevating and icing your feet helps relieve the pain and tension associated with swollen feet and ankles.

Soak feet in warm water

Soaking your feet can relieve their pain and tension. In addition, the warm water can stimulate blood flow and reduce your swelling.

Get a foot massage

A massage is an excellent way to alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Massages stimulate blood flow and improve circulation, providing the muscles and tissues with the nourishment they need to heal. Improved circulation also reduces swelling.

Apply pain relief ointments

There are many over-the-counter pain relief ointments specially formulated for expecting mothers. These ointments help relieve pain and tension, especially from the bottoms of your feet. While these ointments are designed for pregnant women, it is best to speak to a healthcare professional before you begin using them.

Know your limits

If you find that your feet are becoming extraordinarily swollen after you walk, it is best to take breaks and to elevate your feet whenever possible.

Motherhood is beautiful, and your foot pain shouldn’t ruin the experience. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vikki today for personalized foot care and relief.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016 10:10

What Causes Ingrown Toenails

Toenails that curve and dig into the skin of your toe are called ingrown toenails. Sometimes even the size of the nail are covered in skin and become embedded in the toe. This is why you should always be sure to cut your toenails straight across to discourage the sides from growing into your skin. Any toe can develop an ingrown toenail however, it is often the big toe.

While ingrown toenails are not often serious medical problems they can be severely painful. And, if left untreated and uncared for properly ingrown toenails can become infected. This is why it is important to receive proper treatment for your ingrown toenails right away.

What causes ingrown toenails?

  • Shoes that are too small because they squeeze the toes.
  • Toenails being cut too short.
  • A toenail that has become damaged or chips can become an ingrown toenail.
  • Having toes are too small to accommodate proper nail growth.

People with congenital conditions that cause them to have toenails that are frequently larger or smaller than normal should take care to always trim their nails properly and maintain proper foot hygiene because they are at high risk of developing ingrown toenails.
You may also develop ingrown toenails after sustaining a foot injury, such as a broken foot.

Other ways to keep your feet/toes healthy.

  • Keep your feet clean and dry
  • Keep your feet safe in public areas where they are susceptible to contracting diseases like athlete’s foot.
  • Wear breathable footwear
  • Don’t share footwear
  • Always wear shoes that fit you properly
  • If your toenails are discolored be sure to not apply any nail polish to them. Discoloration is often a sign of infection, and the Polish may make the infection worse.


  • Soak your feet
  • Take over the counter pain medication
  • Using a small nail file pulls the skin gently away from the nail
  • Rub your toe with antibiotic ointment.
  • Bandage your toes

When you develop ingrown toenails it is important to put any and all of these treatments into practice right away before you develop an infection.

If you suspect you have an infection or your ingrown toenails consistently come back, it is best to see a podiatrist as soon as possible. In addition to treating your ingrown toenail and possible infection, the podiatrist can give you a clear idea of what causes ingrown toenails which can help you avoid developing them in the future. If it persists, you may need a small surgical procedure to remove the ingrown sides of your toenail. People with diabetes should always be their podiatrist if they think they have an ingrown toenail as if they can lead to serious health complications.

Now that you know more about the causes and treatment for ingrown toenails be sure to get yours looked at by a foot care professional, especially if you suspect that you have an infection. If you have any further questions about ingrown toenails, don’t hesitate to contact us. To schedule an appointment, visit

Tuesday, 22 March 2016 10:08

When is Foot Surgery Necessary

In some cases, foot issues can be corrected through a number of treatment methods. However, if pain and discomfort when you run, stand or walk is consistent, then foot surgery is necessary. Foot surgery can correct your feet’s physical deformities and, therefore, alleviate any of the discomfort and pain that you are feeling. Here’s a list of common foot issues and deformities that require surgical removal to relieve pain.


Bunions are a common foot deformity that is characterized by an enlargement of the bones and tissue around the big toe. Like most foot deformities bunions are hereditary. This enlarged area is prone to becoming swollen, inflamed and makes walking incredibly painful and difficult. When conservative care failed to alleviate these issues, it may be best to have them surgically corrected. Your foot care professional will be able to instruct you as to which surgical procedure will be best for you after running some tests and taking x-rays.


Hammertoes are characterized by a curvature of the big toe, which often affects the tendons and nerves around it as well. Because of the buckling of the toes, footwear can cause an immense amount of pain and discomfort. I is not uncommon for those who suffer from hammertoes to also have a large number of corns and calluses on the affected area due to their deformity rubbing against their footwear. A surgical procedure can realign your toe bones and alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with hammertoes.

Bone Spurs

Bone spurs are overgrowths of bones that results in trauma and pressure to the tendons and ligaments. Pain and discomfort can also be associated with bone spurs depending upon where they are located. For example, if the bone spurs are located under your toenail this may cause a toenail deformity and making it difficult to walk and painful to wear shoes. What surgical procedure is needed to correct bone spurs depend on their size and location, so be sure to consult your Foot Care Professionals to decide which procedure is best for you.

Bunionette or Tailor’s Bunion

A Bunionette is protuberance of bone on the outside of the foot behind firth or smallest toe. Many factors can cause this issues such as heredity, the way you walk and trauma to name a few. They can become inflamed and swollen, particularly if they rub against your footwear. Much like bunions, if conservative care does not alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with this deformity, it may be best to have them surgically corrected.


Irritation of the nerves may cause them to become swollen and inflamed and result in an enlargement of a nerve segments, this is called Neuroma. This nerve segment is often found between the third and fourth toe and can be quite painful particularly when walking. People came develop Neuroma for a number of reasons to include wearing high heel shoes and having an abnormal bone structure. This deformity can cause pain and burning for particularly after walking for a long time. If this deformity has greatly impeded your quality of life, it’s best to speakers foot care professional about a surgical solution.

Now that you know a few examples of when foot surgery is absolutely necessary hopefully it helps you decide if surgery is the right choice for you. Remember foot pain is not normal and having healthy, pain-free feet are essential for living a well-rounded life. Our expert team would be happy to discuss any questions you may have about the procedure. To schedule a consultation visit

The Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program began as an effort to enhance the sports experience at the event, and improve well-being for every athlete. The Fit Feet initiative became a part of this endeavor in 2003. We here at the Superior Foot and Ankle Care Center are proud to take part in the screenings for the Special Olympics to ensure that the athletes have the proper socks, shoes, and the special equipment they need to compete to the best of their abilities and stay healthy.

Here is a glimpse at some of the advice that we give to the Special Olympians. Even if you’re not an athlete, proper foot care is important for your overall health and comfort. Make sure that you understand the steps you need to take for optimal foot health.

General Care

Inspect your feet regularly, checking for calluses, blisters, bunions, discolored nails, and any other potential problems.

Always wear shoes or sandals to protect your feet. Don’t settle for any shoes: make sure that they are appropriate for the activity at hand. For example, wear running shoes and moisture-wicking socks for running, basketball shoes for basketball, and sandals for the beach. Make sure that your shoes are clean inside and fit well. Buy new shoes when the cushioning has run out, and check that you can wiggle your toes in the new pair. Runners should replace their shoes every 250-500 miles, at which point the shoes begin to lose shock absorption.

Skin Care

Take care to wash your feet with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly thereafter. If your feet retain too much moisture from sweat or from the shower, painful blisters may develop. Always wear clean socks to prevent foot odor.

Foot powder is an excellent way to protect your feet from damage and discomfort. Foot powder absorbs excess moisture, provides itch relief, soothes irritated skin, and fights odor-causing bacteria. To prevent skin cracking and calluses, moisturize with lotion regularly.
If you develop a blister, never pop it. Wash the affected area, apply antiseptic, then use a bandage to prevent infection.

If you experience soreness, soak your feet in Epsom salts. These salts are also an effective way to soothe muscle aches, sun burns, and even relieve stress.

Nail Care

Nails should be trimmed weekly to keep them healthy and strong. Long nails may break and attract harmful bacteria. Always cut nails straight across using either scissors or clippers. Be careful not to cut too short, or you may develop an ingrown nail. Nails are designed to protect from trauma: cut your nails too short, and you will experience a lot of discomfort, and possibly even injury. Do not pick at your toenails with your fingers, as this may damage them.
Check your feet for discolored or thick nails. If you suspect a problem, schedule an appointment right away.

Remember that your feet need proper hygiene and care, just like any other part of your body. Whether or not you’re an Olympian in training, your feet deserve the same level of treatment. Contact us today with any questions or concerns, and schedule an appointment for your best foot health.

Tuesday, 08 March 2016 10:02

How to Treat Fallen Arches Properly

Feet are often taken for granted, despite their critical role in the human body: they support our weight and keep us on the move, so that we can go about our busy daily lives. However, the anatomy of the foot is intricately complex, and the result of any structural complications can be very painful. This is the case with fallen arches.

What Are Fallen Arches?

The arches of the foot play an integral part in weight-bearing, absorbing pressure, and aiding in movement and stability. If the tendons and muscles in the foot weaken, the arches can collapse.

The weakening of the tendons that causes fallen arches can occur due to factors such as aging, genetics, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, or injuries to the feet. Other contributing factors include obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and involvement in high-impact sports.

Fallen arches are an adult flatfoot condition, where the soles of the feet almost touch the ground completely while standing. Another visible indication of fallen arches is that the feet become turned outward. This condition is often painful and uncomfortable. If your arches have fallen, you may also experience symptoms such as:

  • Ankle pain
  • Heel pain
  • Pain in your hips or knees
  • Swelling around the ankle
  • Pain or fatigue when walking or standing up

Treatment Options

Thankfully, there are many different methods to treating fallen arches and relieving the pain that they cause. In some cases, conservative treatment options are the right fit; in more severe situations, surgery may be needed. It really comes down to consulting with a podiatrist to best ensure that your individual needs are met, and that your flatfoot condition is diagnosed and treated properly.

For less severe cases, the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) may be used to ease the discomfort and reduce the inflammation. Even the simplest changes such as wearing orthotics or more supportive shoes have been known to provide pain relief.

Stretching exercises which strengthen the muscles are another approach to fallen arches treatment. Your foot doctor or physical therapist may recommend exercises that include actions such as lifting small objects with your toes in order to contract the arch.

Boots, braces, and casts are other common approaches to treatment. Inflammatory medications are also prescribed to provide pain relief.

Finding a Podiatrist Who Cares

Unfortunately, fallen arches are not taken as seriously as they should be. At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, our expert podiatrists view surgery as a last resort and support instilling patient education, preventive methods, and proper foot health as the primary course of action. The care we offer is rooted in extensive podiatric knowledge, as well as our dedicated and sincere concern for our patients.

Fallen arches may have gotten your arches down, but we will help you take a step in the right direction to achieving happier, healthier feet. Contact us today for an appointment at our Long Beach office.

If you have sustained a sprain or a fracture to your ankle, it is important to let it heal properly in order to avoid permanent damage. Ankle sprains are incredibly common: over 25,000 people suffer them every day. A sprain occurs when one or more ligaments on the outside of your ankle are pulled or torn. As it is hard to differentiate a sprain from a fracture, it is imperative to seek medical attention so that your ankle can be x-rayed. Once your injury has been diagnosed, you’ll be able to give it the care it needs in order for it to heal properly. Here are some tips for properly caring for your ankle injury to ensure that it heals correctly:

For a Sprain

Depending upon how serious the sprain is, the sprain can be classified as grade 1, 2, or 3. The best way to treat a sprain is to utilize the R.I.C.E. method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. For a grade 1 sprain, you should rest your ankle by not walking on it as much as possible, only putting minimal weight on it. In many cases, an ankle brace will be given in order to help reduce the swelling and discomfort of a sprain, which may make it easier to put some weight on it if need be. However, if it is too difficult to bear weight, you may be given crutches. You can apply ice to help relieve the pain and swelling. When you ice your ankle, make sure that there is a barrier between the ice and your skin, such as a pillowcase or a towel. You shouldn’t ice your ankle for more than 20 minutes in order to avoid frostbite. Compression can help control the swelling, as well as provide your ankle with some support. Finally, you should elevate your ankle as much as possible by reclining and propping it up. It’s best to elevate your ankle either above your waist or your heart for optimal recovery.

With a grade 2 sprain, you would follow the same steps. While the grade 1 may take a week to heal, a grade 2 may take up to a month. Grade 3 sprains are rare and may require casting or surgery.

For a Fracture

If you fracture your ankle, your treatment will involve casting, taping, wrapping, or booting, depending upon the type and severity of the fracture. Much like a sprain, it is important to rest and elevate a fractured ankle. A fracture usually takes 4 to 8 weeks to heal. Once the cast comes off, you may have to follow the R.I.C.E. method until you regain strength in your ankle.

Rehabilitating Your Ankle

If you have a sprained or fractured ankle, you need to properly rehabilitate it in order to regain your full strength and flexibility. The first phase of rehabilitation is the R.I.C.E. method. The second phase is helping your ankle regain flexibility, strength, and range of motion by walking and putting weight on it. The last phase is exercising your ankle in order to strengthen the muscles and ligaments further.

Be sure to follow these steps to help your ankle heal properly. If you have any questions or concerns about your ankle injury, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dealing with a toenail fungal infection can be both difficult and unpleasant. When fungi attacks the nails, it can leave them yellowed, thick, split, and damaged. It can also leave you ditching your favorite pair of flip flops, or even hiding your feet in embarrassment when around other people. But aesthetics aside, nail fungus can have other, potential, effects that are even more concerning. Eventually, it’s possible for walking to become painful, or for the infection to spread. At which point, removing the nail might be necessary.

Unfortunately, this common condition doesn’t go way on its own. Instead, its capacity to get worse, and to impact your health, reveals that treatment, and preventative measures, are the keys to stopping a toenail infection from worsening.

The Fight Against Fungus

While you may have picked up the fungus from something as simple strolling around the pool barefoot, it’s not so simple to treat or eliminate it. This is one reason why early detection and treatment always remains the preferred route. That being said, steps towards getting rid of the infection can go in several directions.

You can’t deny that over the counter creams and topical applications offer convenience. Yes, it’s pretty natural to like the idea of purchasing a solution at your nearby drugstore. However, many of these products lack that ability to provide effective treatment is less reliable because many don’t penetrate deep enough to fully eradicate the fungus. The same can be said for plenty of home remedies. Seeking treatment from a professional foot doctor is often the best way to go and fight the good fight against fungus. A podiatrist will evaluate your condition and then based on the severity of the infection, go over your options.

Sometimes, a topical medication is a part of the plan. In other cases, these treatment methods may be recommended:

  • The removal of thicker portions of the nail to provide pain relief (Debridement)
  • Getting rid of the fungus using laser treatments
  • Oral medications

Preventive Steps For Fungus-Free Feet

Even if you’ve kicked a fungal infection through treatment, it can come back. In order to keep it from returning and keep your feet healthy, here are several important steps to follow:

  • Keep your feet clean: Wash them regularly with soap and water, then dry them thoroughly
  • Keep your nails trimmed and make sure that toenail clippers, and grooming tools, are sanitized before using them.
  • Wear clean shoes that are made of breathable materials
  • Make sure to change your socks if they are dirty or damp
  • Put on shower shoes in public areas, like a gym locker room or pool shower area.

Discovering Your Treatment Options

Toenail fungus may seem like a relatively small issue, but its capacity to get in between you, your lifestyle, and your foot health, is greater than you may realize. At Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, we use our experience and knowledge to help patients with all kinds of foot-related problems, from the big to the seemingly small.

If you are dealing with nail fungus or another foot issue, please call us at 562-420-9800, today, or request an appointment at our Long Beach office. This is the first step to determining which course of treatment is right for you and what we can do to help you achieve happier, healthier feet.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016 09:11

The Health Benefits of Regular Foot Massages

There are many physical and psychological health benefits related to foot massages. Daily foot massages, for a couple minutes at a time, has been proven to fight depression and relieve headaches. Here is a list of the many health benefits of having regular foot massages.

Stress Relief

Regular foot massages have been shown to greatly relieve stress, as well as, many of the symptoms associated with it, such as energy loss and headache. A five to ten-minute foot massage, after a long day, can significantly relieve fatigue and increase feelings of well-being. Try using scented oil when administering your foot massage, for the added benefit of aromatherapy.

Blood Circulation & Sleep

Poor blood circulation causes many foot health issues. Regular foot massages can regulate your blood flow and keep your feet healthy, as well as, combat foot health problems such as inflammation, swelling, and pain. Foot massages also stimulate the limbic system and help prevent varicose veins. When night falls, massaging your feet right before bed helps you unwind, relax your nerves, and relieve any aches and pains-promoting restful sleep. Try using a lavender scented oil when administering your foot massage, as the lavender scent in calming and promotes relaxation.

Foot Health

Not only does regular foot massage promote healthy blood circulation, it can also relieve everything from minor aches to arthritis pain. In addition, it has been shown that regular foot massages, with olive or coconut oil, can significantly relieve the pain associated with foot tendonitis. Additionally, daily foot massage can help strengthen your ankles and increase your flexibility, which can prevent foot-related injuries.

Pain & Depression

While it’s well known that foot massages relieve foot pain, it also an effective way to treat other common body aches and pains. For example, regularly massaging your ankle and Achilles tendon can help relieve lower back pain and pressure. Additionally, because foot massage is such an effective stress relief treatment, it has also been shown to relieve migraine and headache pain. Regular foot massages also help you feel relaxed and balanced, promoting a sense of calm. Considering stress, tension and fatigue are associated with situational depression, daily foot massages have been shown to not only combat to these symptoms, but depression itself.

Other Health Benefits

  • Helps manage PMS and Menopause symptoms.
  • Assists those suffering from restless leg syndrome manage their illness.
  • Relieves swollen feet during pregnancy.
  • Relieves the chronic pains of arthritis in the feet and legs.
  • Helps those with minor foot injuries to heal quicker.

Now that you are aware of the health benefits from regular foot massages, be sure to incorporate this into your daily routine, along with your regular visits to Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center. If you have any questions or concerns about your foot health, please feel free contact us today, at 562-420-9800.

Tuesday, 09 February 2016 09:05

Foot Health Tips for Athletes

Athletes are busy people. Whether they’re students balancing homework and extracurricular activities, or 9-5 workers trying to stay in shape in the evenings, athletes only have limited time for everything else. Focus on diet, exercise, and responsibilities, foot health is one of the last things on an athlete’s list of concerns. If you or someone in your family leads an active lifestyle, make sure they’re taking the time to take heed of the following foot care tips.


If you’re devoted to a particular sport, you probably have a great pair of sport-specific shoes already. If for some reason you don’t, or you’re planning to start playing a new sport regularly, make sure that you get a specialized pair, soon. Basketball shoes, for example, have a very particular type of cushioning designed for rapid changes in direction and hard landings. If your shoes don’t fit well or aren’t designed for the activity, you could be risking injury.
When looking for shoes, shop in the afternoon or later, when your feet swell to their largest size. And one more thing: shoes tend to lose shock absorption between 250-500 miles. Runners who go for 25 miles every week will need new shoes, every 2.5-5 months.


Any old pair of socks might seem to do the trick, but believe it or not, those fancy Nike or Underarmor logo socks really do have a purpose. If your socks aren’t made with moisture-wicking fabric, the fabric will retain moisture for too long and may cause blisters.
College students, stay on top of your laundry: if you don’t change your socks often, you could develop foot odor.

Blisters, and Calluses

Speaking of blisters, don’t ever pop them. If they happen to pop, wash the area, apply antiseptic, then apply a bandage.
As for calluses, talk to your doctor before making a decision. Don’t try to remove them on your own, even if you have an over-the-counter product.


Make sure toenails are trimmed to avoid in-grown nails. Cut the nails straight across, but leave them slightly longer at the end of each toe. Watch out if they turn black or blue; it could be a sign of blood underneath the nail, or possibly a condition like melanoma or an infection.

That should cover most (if not all) potential foot problems. If you take nothing else from this article, remember to practice proper hygiene, and use proper sports shoes and socks.

Feel free to contact us you have any further questions and concerns about your foot health. For a consultation, call Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center, at 562-420-9800, to set up an appointment today.

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